- auric iodide
- • йодаурат• йодид золота• йодистое золото• тетрайодо-золото(3)-кислый• тетрайодо-золото-кислый• трехйодистое золото
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by number of edits — Shortcuts: WP:NOE WP:WBE WP:EDITS WP:MOSTEDITS This is a list of Wikipedians ordered by number of edits in the English language Wikipedia. Edits in all namespaces are counted; deleted edits have been included in recent versions. Click… … Wikipedia
auri- — I. combining form Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from aurum more at oriole 1. : gold auriferous … Useful english dictionary